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China New Higher Education Group (2001.HK) Obtained Positive Judgement in Xinjiang School Litigation

(30 December 2019, Hong Kong) China New Higher Education Group ("China New Higher Education Group", collectively referred to as the "Company" together with its subsidiary groups (stock code: 2001.HK)) announced that the Company obtained the positive judgement in Xinjiang School Litigation from Xinjiang High Court. 

On 27 December 2017, the Company announced the proposed acquisition of Xinjiang School, due to certain closing condition not having been satisfied, the Company announced the termination of the proposed acquisition on 25 October 2018. 

The Company filed the civil litigation against the counterparties of the proposed acquisition to claim the prepayments for the proposed acquisition and relevant expenses that had been paid by the Group. On 29 December 2019, the Company obtained the positive judgement from Xinjiang High Court in favour of the Company's claims. 

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